History of Banking

The Federal Reserve Banking System was created December 23,1913. It is the central banking system for the United States and was created in response to several financial crises. Mainly the banking panic of 1907, stock market crashes. These financial situations created the need for a centralized control of the monetary system. Are we lead to that such a power is really needed?

The oldest bank “Banca Monte de Paschida Siena” was established in Florence, Italy in 1472 as a means of storing money for people when traveling, as the use of silver and gold was used at the time and very cumbersome for travel ‘The First Bank of the United States” was started in February 25, 1791 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and is a National landmark.

In 1913 a very strange coincidence happened in Our United States: first the Federal Reserve was setup with the help of Senator Nelson Aldridge and Paul Warburgh who organized the control of money by these robber barons. President Taft voted out this attempt to snare all freeman into slavery in 1912, but thanks to good old Warmonger Wilson otherwise known as Woodrow Wilson, our 28th president, the citizens of the United States became victims to private banks and moneylenders.

Along with the Federal Reserve the birth of the FBI, the IRS, and the ADL also known as the hate filled propaganda machine “The Anti-Defamation League.”

When President Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act into law it eventually created four categories who are the responsibility of the Federal Reserve.

1. Maintaining the nation’s monetary policy and influencing money/credit conditions within the economy in hopes of overall employment and stable market prices.

2. Overseeing regulations of banks and other financial institutions to see the safe and soundness of the country’s financial system in order to protect the credit rights of its customers.

3. Conducting the stability of the financial system and containing any risk that may show up in the nation’s financial trade markets.

4. To meet the needs of the financial serves to, banking institutions, the government and foreign institutions, while playing a major role in overseeing the nation’s banking system.

Now let us think about this for a moment and really ask ourselves “Is this what these entities do?” I think not, they have more power over us then we care to realize. This has only brought about the nefarious fait money system in which the government controls are money and the Federal Reserve controls the government with the powers of the Internal Revenue Serves who robs the American people through taxes, the Federal Bureau of Investigations who is responsible for the murders of Gordon Khal June 3,1983, Vicky Weaver August 22,1992 and LaVoy Finicum January 22,2016,sending a loud and clear message “WE OWN YOU”!

And they do own us through taxes and usury.




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